Sunday, August 9, 2009

Don't bark up the wrong tree: I believe in men and in women. I believe that they are God's creatures, that all and every one of them, no matter their colour, their race, their faith, their sex or their convictions, have the bassical rights to life, to freedom, to esteem, to love.

But there are positions, ideologies, tendencies, that I can't accept.
For example, the gayness and the lesbianism.
And, again, I'm talking on tendencies, not on people.

I think that those tendencies, when they deny straight relations, are against life, against the main purpose of the Creation, of the human function.

Maybe a casual sexual relation between two men or two women can be innoxious, but when they become something unwavering, resolute and unswerving, when they become the only sexual possibility for them, they are destroying something very essential of the human life: the family.

Oh, I know that they can adopt a child, or even 'make him' by themselves, with other's semen or other's ovum. But, do you really think that it can become a real family?

Yep, you're right. In the USA you can scarcely know what is a real or a normal family. A big rate of American couples are dissolved or reassembled, or simply are not couples. Lots of children have two or three dads, the husband of mum, and the first wife of dad, and the husband of the second wife of daddy. Inspired and encouraged by the best TV programs.
Bravo, well done!

The most wonderful future! The most cheering destiny!